SOCAR-AQS completed drilling of next well on Gunashli successfully

It should be noted SOCAR-AQS has completed the works on construction of well 29 from stationary platform 7, wit...

SOCAR-AQS Took Part in the 3rd Society of Petroleum Engineers Kuwait Oil & Gas Show 2017 (KOGS)

The 3rd Society of Petroleum Engineers Kuwait Oil & Gas Show (KOGS 2017) exhibition was held fro...

On september 20, SOCAR-AQS celebrated the professional holiday “Oilman”s Day”

On September 20, SOCAR-AQS held a number of events dedicated to the Azerbaijan professional holiday “Oilm...

SOCAR-AQS has commenced drilling of next well on West Absheron field

It should be noted that Well 34 will be drilled to Podkirmakinskaya Layer with depth of 730 m. We are c...

SOCAR-AQS has commenced drilling of next well on West Absheron field

It should be noted that Well 33 will be drilled to Podkirmakinskaya Layer with depth of 730 m.

We ...

SOCAR-AQS has commenced drilling of next well on Gunashli

It should be noted that well 323 will be drilled to Balakhani X Horizon with depth of 2770 m. We are co...

SOCAR-AQS completes next horizontal well drilling on West Absheron field

SOCAR-AQS completes the works on construction of well #32, with target depth of 750 m, succe...

SOCAR AQŞ hold API Spec Q2 Certificate from American Petroleum Institute

SOCAR AQS have been awarded with API Spec Q2 certificate by the American Petroleum Institute on 23rd...

SOCAR AQS Participation in a Career Fair

On May 27, 2017, the second Graduate Career Fair was held in the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University a...

SOCAR-AQS to commence drilling of next well on Western Absheron

SOCAR-AQS commenced drilling works on well 32 with depth of 740 m located on the platform 20. It should b...

SOCAR-AQS succesfully completed drilling of next well on Gunashli

It should be noted SOCAR-AQS has completed the works on construction of well 31 from stationary platform 11, wi...

SOCAR AQS attends Offshore Technology Exhibition & Conference in Houston, TX

A SOCAR AQS delegation attended this year’s Houston Offshore Technologies Exhibition and conference which...